Climate Change is real or just a theory? Read here

Climate Change Definition

During the mid or late ’20s, Climate Change took seriously by the nations worldwide. Before, none was ready to accept the “Climate Change” thing. A change occurred in the regional or global climate patterns for which the most responsible increase of Carbon dioxide produced due to the use of fossil fuels. The United States of America has a huge demand for fossil fuel worldwide. Climate Change is the burning issue for Earth Dwellers.

Is Climate Change Real

If Sun exists then Yes, Climate change is real. If Moon exists then yes, Climate change is real. We (person include everyone exists on this earth) are wrong uses our own house (earth) just like a dustbin. But the day is no longer far when we face the real problems past of Climate change. Not just one country or nation will affect, but everyone faces it. No matter; they responsible for climate change or not. This is now universal truth but few nations are avoiding just for their personal selfishness.

Fire in the Australian Forest is the example of Climate change.

Climate change is real
from Google Images

Extinction of a plenty rare diversity of animals, mammals, insects, birds, and fish is another example.

Causes of Climate Change

There is not just one reason for the change in the climate. It includes some natural things and some are artificial ways which include pollution and the increase of various gases in our ecosystem. So, not everything is done by the peoples around the world but we just increase the rate by excessively using fossil fuels.

1.      Greenhouse Effect

Some of the sunlight absorbed by the earth's surface and rest will be reflected back in space. The absorbed sunlight has the energy released in the earth’s atmosphere and also, a reason for maintaining heat level in the ecosystem. Otherwise, Earth will be cold like other planets like Neptune and Uranus. Water Vapors, Carbon dioxide, and methane which are also known as Greenhouse gases absorb energy and prevent the loss of heat. Greenhouse gases (GHG) act as a blanket for our ecosystem. This process is also known as the Greenhouse effect.

When the Industrial Revolution began, its activities also contribute to the increase in the Carbon dioxide level. The rise of greenhouse gases trapped the more heat on earth coming from Sun and thus, the temperature of the earth started increasing day by day. The emission of fossil fuels contains these gases which we use in our daily routine e.g. Diesel, Petrol, Charcoal, Coal, etc.

2.      Intensity of the Sunlight

Change in Climate also can be influenced by the change in solar energy coming. The sunlight can cause a rise in temperature due to strong solar intensity or cooling because of weak solar intensity. The sun has a long period of climate change however the earth’s climate is small. A small change in solar intensity can make a huge difference in temperature on Earth. Light-colored objects like clouds, snow reflected more amount of sunlight as compared to dark-colored objects like Ocean, Forests, and earth surface which absorbs more sunlight.

Climate Change Effects

None is ready to take responsibility for this situation rather every nation is blaming another one. We have a situation that is more dangerous for overall communities that exist on this planet. Climate change affects everything from the air we breathe to the water we drink. Many rarest species are extinct from earth or about to extinction. Between all this, aqua life isn’t safe as well because of pollution, the rise in water temperature, or there are many reasons. The species of fishes which were common in water are today in the category of Endangered or died out already.

Climate change effect

  •       Extreme Weather Conditions

Change in climate creates many hazards problems. The rise of temperature also affects the pattern of weather in any region. Resultant, the region which had never snowfall now, having snowfall.

  •       Smog and Soot

However, these two come in the category of Air pollution but somehow, linked with climate change. When the earth started heats up, the level of smog and soot gradually increases with it in air. It might also spread various allergic pollutants such as circulating mod and pollen.

  •       Health Risks

Deaths per year are increasing due to the fatality or illness because of heat stress or heat stroke, kidney diseases, or cardiovascular. Pollution of air made it aggravate for the old peoples and children. From the past year, the patient of the cancer is gradually increasing. Many skin-related allergies and other diseases are coming in front of doctors.

  •       Rising of Sea Level

In a few past years, we see many small islands disappear due to the increase in sea level. With the increase of earth’s temperature, the glaciers start to melt and resultant, day by day, ocean level increasing. Some of the world’s largest cities including New York, Sydney and Mumbai facing particular risks.

  •       More Acidic Ocean water

Not just one but here are two problems. One, earth has more ocean as compared to the land which absorbs more heat. Second, as the temperature increases, it will affect marine life. Many species from marine life is already died out and others are already on the edge of extinction. Due to our fossil fuel emission, it already became thirty percent more acidic which is a serious threat to underwater life. Most of the nations like Indonesia, Philipines, Thailand, and China prefer to eat seafood.

Climate Change Performance Index

If we see in the past year's efforts of India for using renewable energy over non-renewable energy then it was appreciated by every nation. The current Government in India is making many efforts and took this as a serious threat. Recently, they approach many manufacturers of solar panels and make numerous MoU’s to provide solar panels at less price (affordable price). The government runs many schemes related to using solar energy. The electricity department came in front and make a discount for the peoples who will use solar energy. Many regions that are unreachable are today using solar energy. In 2020, Climate change performance index gives India, overall medium rating in renewable energy but the target is to achieve very high till 2030. India got 9th Rank on Climate change performance Index.

Climate change and Pollution

Climate change and pollution are directly proportional to each other. Pollution is one of the reasons for the change in the climate. The pollution could be any type like Air, water, soil, etc. Using fossil fuels, boost up the levels of carbon dioxide and other GH gases. Control of the pollution might control the somewhat situation we are facing today or going to face.

Climate change in India

 Climate change is affecting all over the world including India. The effects might be different in the various regions of India. But every natural hazard is a result of climate change. In the South Asia regions, the danger is indicated as a rise in the water level. Mumbai, Chennai, and other cities are always on high alert during the rainy season. However, states in Assam it noticed as landslides and flooding. Change of Climate also decreases the availability of fresh water for a drink. In many villages of India, people walk about 5 to 10 km just for drinking water on average daily. Plenty of NGOs and governments still counter these types of situations in the country. The increasing temperature during summer gradually rises up every year and winter makes it worse. Rainy season in India was of four months that reduced to one month or less than a month.

Not only India, but other South Asia countries will also face the same or worse situation due to climate change. The countries include Bangladesh, China, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philipines, and Japan. The cities which might affect most are Mumbai, Ho Chi Minh City, Bangkok, Shanghai, and Basra estimated. In 2019, the maximum temperature recorded was 50.6 degrees and 36 people lost their lives due to this. Not just humans, 15 monkeys were also found dead because of head stroke.

Climate Change and Agriculture

The whole world is based on Agriculture, which required specific land to grow crops. Fertile land is also reducing day gradually due to acidic rain and excessive use of fertilizers. Many farmers use pesticides that carry harmful chemicals that kill helpful bacteria in the soil. Resultant, corps don’t get enough nutrition and fail to grow. Also, it forged fertile land to barren. Acidic rain develops the situation more difficult. It is hard to farm the barren land and grow something upon it. Today, there are few nations in which hunger is higher on the index. We are living in the air-conditioned rooms and there are out some people who hardly get a fan. Leave fans, they hardly not know about their dinner or breakfast. Climate change is a real threat. Not just for one, but for everyone.

Climate change impact on Agriculture

If this condition will remain increasing then don’t fear the face of unexpected hazards occurred on this planet. That will vanish everything or make it difficult to breathe on a road or at your home. Agriculture is also responsible for maintaining the level of Oxygen. Every nation needs to grow more and more plants to reduce the greenhouse gas effect. If the situation not taken seriously then green fields will hard to see in the next few years.

How climate change affect Biodiversity?

It will affect biodiversity in different ways in different regions. The rise of temperature or fall down of temperature will affect its inhabitants.

  • 1.      Hikes of Temperature

Increase of the temperature might affect the plenty of species physically or physiologically. For example, An endemic species of Queensland’s tropical rainforest, the Green Ringtail possum gets unable to control its own body temperature when the ambient temperature increases more than 30 degrees Celsius.

  • 2.      Change in seasons

Dry Continent, Australia’s plants and animals opt to its dry climate but a minor rainfall could become a risk for the wildlife for a number of species. Southwest Western Australia is already threatened by increasing salinity in the water and other environmental issues. The lower level of the river and predicted less rainfall is the major issues that peoples are facing over there.

  • 3.      Plant Growth and Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is an essential nutrient for the plants but it could be harmful to the leaf-eating species like Koalas. However, the increase of carbon dioxide boosts the growth of plants but threatened many species which contributes to the ecosystem. The gas might be absorbed by the oceans and it will only create problems for underwater life. Numerous species are already extinct from marine and plenty of species are on the edge of extinction because of climate change.

How Climate Change affects ecosystem

Change of climate affects both marine and terrestrial. In Future, the climate change might affect many ecosystems which include mangroves, tundra, coral reefs, and caves. Global warming will force many species to adapt to the current situation or leave their places. Scientists of the University of York states that in the upcoming centuries a mass extinction event might occur which will wipe out 50 percent of animals and plants from this planet.

Species like Polar bear and emperor penguins are at risk in Arctic and Antarctic regions. A pine infestation spread in pine forests of British Columbia since 1988 due to a lack of severe winters. The freshwater species are endangered due to the increase of salinity in the ocean water. Plenty of species are already extinct from the freshwater however few species adapt the change in conditions. The environment is becoming harsh day by day for both the living and non-living things.

Climate Change Conference

The United Nation Climate Change Conference was first called in 1995 in Berlin. The Climate Change Conference held every year within the structure of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change. The most recent climate change conference held in Madrid, Spain from 11 to 22 November 2019 in Brazil. The president of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro denies hosting this event. The conference of 2020 was scheduled in Glasgow, the United Kingdom which postponed due to the spread of COVID-19 to an unspecified date in 2021.

Climate Change Solution

To prevent the upcoming danger, we need to prepare from today or now. We can slow the increasing level of the greenhouse effect or reverse climate damage.

1.      Avoid using of Fossil Fuels

Burning coal, oil, and natural gas need to be prohibited to use on a daily basis. Some developed nations will oppose this but they need to understand the situation and prefer electric energy or other renewable energy to make things up. Not just fossil fuels but Nuclear power nations are also responsible for forest destruction because of radioactive rains.

2.      Upgrade for Infrastructure

Manufacturing of cement itself produces very much pollution in the air as well as water. It’s time to find out the alternate option of cement which is also eco-friendly and produces less or none pollutant gas or particles. During the mining of copper and other elements required electrical wiring and transmission causes global warming pollution.  

3.      Use Public Transportation

This can create a huge drop in global warming if every individual tries to travel in at least three days in a month via public transportation. Or you can shift yourself closer to your workplace to save money and travel time both.

4.      Be Aware and Efficient

When leaving your house, make sure you turn off all accessories that lower your bills as well as save some energy. Maintain your car which runs on fossil fuel, if you maintain it well then it will exhaust less harmful gases because the fuel will combust well. Even, it will save your vehicle breakdown in the middle of the road if your service regularly.

5.      Stop cutting of Trees

Every year about 33 million acres of forests cut down which is a serious issue for every nation. Many countries regularly run schemes and awareness about the plantation of trees. But it will be successful if every person took it as their responsibility. Every individual should plant at least one tree in their life.

6.      Use Renewable sources

Electric cars and bikes will bring the revolution in the world and reduce the level of global warming. These vehicles are in the starting phase as not much popular yet but soon the people will start to adopt these. The fossil fuels are currently running out and soon hard to find. So, an electric vehicle is a good alternate.

Wrapping Up

The whole world needs a revolution to tackle this problem. The solution is not easy but it is the only option. We can neglect this situation or if today, we ignore this condition then nothing left to regret. So, be aware of the climate change programs runs by country government or various Non-profit organizations. The use of plastic should be banned by every country's government because oceans are full of it. Marine life is on the edge of extinction because of plastics. There are many news articles in which Whales, common fish, and other underwater creatures found dead because of plastic bags and other metal things stuck in their neck or inside their body. Climate change not only suffers humans but Animals and marine life also affected by it.

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